Thursday, December 16, 2010

Great News for Leather Trades!

The Leather Trades Building, long time dormant building should finally be getting its long awaited facelift!  The building, listed on the historic register, will be converted into apartments by large apartment manager Dominium out of Minneapolis. 

The Tudor Building Scared People.
 This is great news for the 15-16th blocks of Locust which have had to look at the building in its current state ever since Pyramid Construction started doing preliminary work for its planned condo project.  It was a reminder of the effect the Tudor Building had on prospective buyers at the Lofts at 2020.  People would look at the ragedy building and ask if the neighborhood was stable.  After Pyramid started pulling windows out and doing some demolition, the Leather Trades had the same effect on people looking at the Printers Lofts, the Annex, and Terra Cotta. 

The New Tudor added density and businesses!

After the Tudor Building was completed, it added a whole new dimension to the area with more density, and some sorely needed commercial space.  The additional buildings across the street add even more.

More density and one more completed building to downtown at 16th and Locust is just what the doctor ordered!

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