One of the most desirable features of living in a neighborhood like Downtown St. Louis is the ability to walk or take public transportation to many destinations. However, in modern society everyone needs to use a car from time to time. Now there is a solution for people who don’t want own car, but want to have access to one for certain specialized functions such as large grocery purchases, a trip to the country, or driving to visit a friend in the far suburbs.
The Downtown St. Louis Partnership and St. Louis Car Sharing Cooperative* invite you to attend the official launching and ribbon cutting for WeCar in downtown St. Louis. WeCar, a program of Enterprise Rent-A-Car, is a convenient, environmentally friendly car sharing program that is a great alternative for those wanting to reduce reliance on a personal automobile. WeCar is a membership-based program with nine downtown locations.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
at 11:30 am
Metropolitan Square
(211 North Broadway)
Corner of 6th & Pine Streets
Mayor Francis Slay, City of St. Louis
Larry Williams, Treasurer, City of St. Louis
Phyllis Young, Alderwoman 7th Ward, City of St. Louis
Kacie Starr Triplett, Alderwoman 6th Ward, City of St. Louis
Sarah Stewart, Lawrence Group, Program Supporter/Car User
Tony Moise, Vice President & General Manager, Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Tom Shrout, Executive Director, Citizens for Modern Transit
To RSVP, click here.
(Vehicle demonstrations will be held by WeCar representatives)
*The St. Louis Car Sharing Cooperative is a collaboration of downtown WeCar sponsors including: Citizens for Modern Transit; Pyramid - Spinnaker, LLC; LoftWorks; The Syndicate; Trivers Architects; Lawrence Group 1, Inc.; and the Downtown St. Louis Community Improvement District.